
Process of Human

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Truly Amazing Quran in its application in human life, which clearly contained all kinds of world science and akhirat.Disini I posted a little article that gives insight to the netter

In the book there is the Qur'an mentions that the origin of human events consist of 7 (seven) types of events. To be known this is the composition of verse about the process of human events:

1.Di letter Ar Rahman verse 14: "He (God) made man such as pottery, (burnt soil)." What is meant by the word "Shal-shal" in this verse is: The land that is dry or semi dry "incendiary substances" or Oxygen.

2.Di verse also mentioned the word "Fakhkhar", the meaning is "Substance Charcoal" or Carbonium.

3.Di surat Al-Hijr, verse 28: "and remember when thy Lord said to the angel: behold, I (God) wanted to create a human being (Adam) from dried and ground black mud in the form of (a)". In verse. It also "shal-shal", have I explained, while the word "Hamaa-in" in that paragraph is "Substance weakness" or Nitrogenium.

As 4.Di letter Sajadah verse 7: "And (God) made man comes from the" land "". What is meant by the word "Thien" (land) in this verse is "Atomic hydrogen" or Hidrogenium.

5.Di Surat Ash Shaffaat verse 11: "Behold, I (God) made man from the Clay." What is meant by the word "lazib" (clay) in this verse is "Iron" or Ferrum.

6.Di Surah Ali Imran verse 59: "He (God) made Adam rather than the land and then God said to him" Be thou, then in human form. " What is meant by the word "turab" (land) in this verse is: "Elements of the original substance contained in the ground" called "inorganic substances."

7.Di surat Al-Hijr verse 28: "And when I (Allah) perfected (shape), then Kutiupkan my soul to him (instead of my soul)"

The seven above verses of the Qur'an Allah SWT has shown about the incidence of Adam, so in human form, and then blown to him so that the human spirit animate (physical and spiritual stature.)

As mentioned in the sixth paragraph of the word "turab" (soil) is the original substances contained in the soil are called inorganic substances. These inorganic substances occurs soon after the compounding process between "Fakhkhar" namely Carbonium (carbon) with a "shal-shal" namely Oksigenium (oxygen) and "hamaa-ins" that is Nitrogenium (substance limp) and Thien namely Hidrogenium (Water Substance .)

Clearly is a compound of:

a. Fachchar (Carbonium = carbon) in the letter Ar Rahman verse 14.

b. Shalshal (Oksigenium = oxygen) is also in the letter Ar Rahman verse 14.

c. Hamaa-ins (Nitrogenium = limp substances) in surat Al-Hijr verse 28

d. Thien (Hidrogenium = Substances Water) in a letter As Sajadah, paragraph 7.

Then fused with iron (Ferrum), Iodine, Potassium, Silcum and manganese, which is called "laazib" (inorganic substances) in a letter Shafaat As verse 11. In the process of these compounds, and forming a substance called protein. This is called "Turab" (inorganic substances) in the letter of Ali Imran verse 59. Among the inorganic substances are regarded important is "Substance of Potassium", which it is present in body tissues, especially in the muscles. Potassium is considered the most important substances therefore have activity in biological processes, namely in the formation of the subtle body. With the ongoing "Proteinisasi", incarnating "the replacement" called "Substitute". Having finished its substitution, and electron-electron menggempurlah that embody cosmic cause formation (Formation), named also "because the intention" or Causa Formatis.

The Cosmic Ray is a ray that has the ability to alter the properties of substances originating from land. And cosmic rays can easily realize the formation of the human body (Adam) in the form of rough body (physical), which consist of body, head, hands, eyes, nose, ears and so on. Until this is exact science to analyze the formation of gross body (physical, physical man / Adam). As for spiritual (abstract wetenschap) is certainly needed all the spiritual science that also, which is closely connected with the science of metaphysics.

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