
Watu Dodol

Senin, 27 September 2010

If you often beperpegian to Bali via land, mainly through the north of Java, namely Situbondo area, then when entering the area you will be greeted Gate Banyuwangi shock. There is a statue Gandrung (typical Banyuwangi Arts) on the left. Waves benaing with sea water, and there are piles of large stones in the middle of the road. That's called Watu Dodol.

Perhaps the story that developed in the local community, called "Watu Dodol" that tells the origin of the stone. Watu Java language, in the Indonesian language Stone. Dodol, or in society Using called porridge. Name of molten metal, usually followed by the type of raw material. For example, sticky rice porridge, because it is made from glutinous rice. Selo porridge and so on. Now from here, the story of the origin of visible lunkhead watu is not from the local society. Moreover, the story is Kyai Semar actors, puppet characters. Though citizens Using (native Banyuwangi), does not recognize the tradition of wayang.

Still continuing the story of watu lunkhead, purportedly originating from the Stone wares Kyai Semar who fell in that place. Rice being spilled, into a clean sand around the beach is said watu lunkhead pukulnya tools, wood moringa, terlempat and stuck in between the stones on the road kana (if from Surabaya). It is also odd, in rock cracks grow moringa tree. For the Javanese, Moringa is the ultimate weapon to eliminate all owned by someone mainstreaming mastics. As kanoragan science or black magic, is believed to fade when in contact with the wood of Moringa. As for citizens Using, an ingredient of fresh vegetables served at noon. Especially on day 2 and after the Idul Fitri. Certainly, many people who cook vegetable Using Moringa leaf.

Another oddity, the existence of fresh water that comes out from the shoreline in watu lunkhead. In fact, in the area of salt water that's all. Still according to the story earlier, supposedly derived from the provision of drinking water Kyai Semar the spill. For those who believe (but be careful, yes, the future can shirk) said the water is the water of life (Tirto Nadi). They have brought home, with a variety of reasons he believed himself.

Regardless of the stories behind watu lunkhead, the explanation of this region offers the beauty of nature. Sea water clarity, and parorama rock that can be seen in the depot of View on the hill to the right road. Banyuwangi artists even then, never capture the clarity of seawater watu lunkhead in the form of a song titled Banyuwangi Padang Ulan: Padang Ulan coastal ring Banyuwangi / Kinclong patch-kiclong segarane Koco / Lana wadon eNom tuwek-Suko Suko / / .... (Light of the moon on the coast of Banyuwangi / seawater glittering like glass / Boys young and old women enjoy oneself).

But since many people around watu lunkhead collect rocks, then "kiclong-kiclong" watu lunkhead not like that portrayed in the popular again in the 1970s was. Even at the beach Kampe, west watu lunkhead, muddy beaches. Rock taken out of citizens, to a mixture of limestone. In fact, according to local residents, the image of "shiny-shiny" it had enjoyed since the region Blimbingsari Wongsorejo down to the beach.

Although current conditions do not seideal like in the song "Padang Ulan", at least we can still enjoy the remnants of "kiclong" Banyuwangi in Watudodol sea. Pounding of the waves, is also good. Moreover, the presence of Padang Substation located on a hill opposite the beach Watu Dodol. This area, also a tourist andalam Banyuwangi regency. It could also be a place of rest, when tourists will go to Bali or returning from Bali.

Back when Regent Syamsul Hadi power, never merenacakan Artists Village on the hill watu lunkhead. In fact, it was measured kampling which will be given to artists with a very low compensation. The target area will be a village of art, such as Ubud-lah. Given that, many artists and makers in Bali keraninan actually comes from Banyuwangi.

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